all i can say about that is 1984
I don't think people who do nothing wrong have anything to worry about.
the government have used images of terrorism and carnage to promote a danger in this country, and they're now proclaiming that ID cards are the way forward for security etc. this is bollocks. there is zero evidence to suggest cards will make any difference whatsoever. it's just another way for the goverment to control us... to have the authority to make us prove who we are anytime they want. it may not directly affect you or me - but it's a moral standpoint i object to. it's just yet another way to slowly turn this world into a very controlled enviroment to live in.
it's all very 1984. who's to say in 50 years time we wont all be subjected to random, on-the-spot DNA testing to prove who we are? would that be acceptable?
(yes, i know i sound like a ranting paranoid psychotic)