Everyone that has a problem with me post here with a valid sensible reason as to why...
I am fed up of the snide bitchy remarks on here and ok i made some too BUT...
1) I have NEVER commented on someones private life(Maybe lemoneye has but that aint me)
2) I have NEVER been stropy or aggresive with any one, my opinions have been strong and may have sounded stropy and aggrsive but they were not to be taken that way.
So if you have a problem with ME not lemoneye but ME feel free to tell me and maybe it can be resolved or in some cases not because it got to out of hand with some people.
I know some of you will side with others and that's fine alot of you have been on here for years! And i expect some of you to side with your nearest and dearest like lemoneye did with me but i would just like to know why i am so disliked on this forum.