wer going to have some fun here camper!
( this is not a rip off of price is right game!)
anyway Here our OWN BRAND CHEAP VERY CHEAP product!
4 loo rolls: is the Jam (strawberry) high or lower than that loo roll?
Loo rolls: 40P
Stwaberry JAM 34P Lower was RIGHT!
is Yorkshire pudding
Higher or lower?
ok then JAM 34p
Yorkshire pudding 38p it WAS HIGHER
so Gravey! Higher or lower?
rightlou for you infor! ASDA! jam - 34p ADn 4 loo roll fro 40p !!
Keep gussing for the gravey!
ok Yorkshire pudding 38p
so Gravey! is 39p it Slight Higher
so but is apacket of ham 8 slice high or lower?
keep trying