Author Topic: what is the world coming too  (Read 4064 times)

Offline kermie

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what is the world coming too
« Reply #15 on: March 09, 2006, 06:51:55 pm »

Sorry Minty.


I would love to see the perpetrator suffer but after so long iside they end up with te easy life. Its not fair. In Our neck of the woos a lad of about 18 stole  car,no insurance and knoked down a little girl who ws only 3 years old and got 3 months inside. the torment this poor wee girls family must be going through

Offline loulou

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what is the world coming too
« Reply #16 on: March 09, 2006, 08:36:01 pm »
I still want to know why those dogs weren't on leads.
A power-crazy bitch who lives in a fantasy world

Offline chocolate chick

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what is the world coming too
« Reply #17 on: March 10, 2006, 09:05:19 am »

Quote from: kermie

I would love to see the perpetrator suffer but after so long iside they end up with te easy life. Its not fair. In Our neck of the woos a lad of about 18 stole  car,no insurance and knoked down a little girl who ws only 3 years old and got 3 months inside. the torment this poor wee girls family must be going through

The sentances aren't long enough

Offline chocoboo

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what is the world coming too
« Reply #18 on: March 10, 2006, 09:21:05 am »
Sentencing is a joke.  Lock him up and throw the key away.

Offline loulou

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what is the world coming too
« Reply #19 on: March 10, 2006, 09:23:41 am »
What a surprise seeing you chocoboo. where have you been?
A power-crazy bitch who lives in a fantasy world

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what is the world coming too
« Reply #20 on: March 11, 2006, 07:51:43 am »

I am sickened and angry beyond measure on hearing about the repeated rape of a nine year old girl by a man who was being monitored in the community and was on the 'sex offenders register'. 

TONY BLAIR, when are you going to lock these sick bastards up and give the protection of our children the priority it derserves!!!

What made it worse, a senior policeman from Suffolk was on radio five, saying, 'well you have to balance protecting children and not infringing the perpertrator's human rights'  No you don't, you stupid twat.  Just round them up and put them in a big f**king hole.  You should resign from your job NOW!!!


Offline oldspice

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what is the world coming too
« Reply #21 on: March 11, 2006, 08:26:44 am »

Why blame Tony Blair? Didn't we have such crimes when Major and Thatcher were in power? What is to blame is the slow decline in standards of behaviour in all walks of life and the continuing trend towards showing much more sympathy for the criminal than the victim.

The problem is, we are sending more people than ever to prison and the prisons are over-flowing. People who commit frequent but petty crimes should be out in the community working on projects that will benefit the community and the criminal (in terms of giving them a sense of achievement, teach them new skills and make them respect their local community).

That will free up space for real criminals such as have been mentioned and they should have very stiff penalties indeed but should also have the opportunity to reform through a rehabilitation programme.

Sounds easy doesn't it? However, look at the thug who shot John Monkton on his doorstep in front of his wife and children. He was on licence having been released early from a previous sentence for violence. he was not sticking to his probation conditions, was failing to report to his probation officer and went on to commit this terrible crime. Why wasn't he back in jail the minute he infringed his probation conditions?

Old but spicey!

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what is the world coming too
« Reply #22 on: March 11, 2006, 08:49:38 am »

I wasn't blaming Tony blair, merely laying the responsibility at his door as incumbent at No.10 (No. 11 for pedants).

I agree with you whole heartedly in freeing up prisons of the TV licence defaulters and genuinely petty criminals.  I think any crime, which doesn't harm or potentially harm a person should not be punished by prison.  However, that's a big subject.

For those who commit murder, except in exceptional circumstances e.g. women who kill perpetually violent husbands, there should be a minimum mandatory sentence of 25 years.  Rape should carry a minimum of 20 years.  Anyone who rapes a child should have a whole life tariff.

Other violent acts must be punished on their merit.  Obviously a punch on the nose in a bar room brawl shouldn't be punished the same as someone hitting someone over the head with a baseball bat in cold blood.

In cases like John Monkton, I don't know.  What was his previous crime?  Anyone who commits a 'minor' violent act, is let out and then commits a major violent act should face a whole life tariff.

Let's hit these bastards hard and hit them now. 

Offline oldspice

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what is the world coming too
« Reply #23 on: March 11, 2006, 09:57:05 am »

And as for those mad buggers who cause death by dangerous driving, then leave the scene like the filthy cowards they are - they should have their arms and legs chopped off so they can NEVER drive again.

Did you see the case this week? A 20 year old, having already been convicted of causing an accident in which his passenger died,   allowed back on the road, overtook a car that had stopped on a pelican crossing  (because the lights were in the pedestrians' favour) and ploughed into a mother a child, killing the child. 

Since he has such a casual attitude towards human life, perhaps he should not have the right to live the rest of his own?

Old but spicey!

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what is the world coming too
« Reply #24 on: March 11, 2006, 10:24:16 am »

In this case, he should certainly receive a life driving ban and be sent to prison for 25 years. 


Offline loulou

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what is the world coming too
« Reply #25 on: March 11, 2006, 11:27:51 am »
Chop his hands off. Prison is not the answer.
A power-crazy bitch who lives in a fantasy world