OK If I admit this one promise not to hate me?
Here goes..... I do work in a call centre!
I work for Jobcentre plus, dealing with benefit claims. But I can honestly say I treat everyone that I speak to with kindness and respect... even when they are sometimes being blatently rude to me.
I always try to give everyone I speak to ample time to discuss there issues, which isn't always a popular thing with management as they expect us to work to tight time restraints.
I can honestly say, with my hand on my heart, that I give a good service. I receive genuine thanks for my help from most people I speak to, even when I can't change the law or system to suit them. treat people with respect and you receive the same in return, well usually anyway!
There really are some nice call centre workers out there... I know I am one!
That said, I tried to speak to somebody at Orange the other day, and although he was not english speaking he was helpful, but the trouble I went through to actually reach a real person, I thought I was going to get a repetitive strain injury from pressing buttons!