First post here, so hi everybody.
I'm embarking on a chocolate eating adventure. I'm attempting to try all commercially available chocolate bars in Britain (within reason). I've used the list on this website, but having done so, I've discovered that many of the bars listed are no longer in circulation. I'd be incredibly appreciative of some guidance as to which of the bars on my list have been discontinued. Also, if there are any new chocolate bars not on the website list, which I may have missed, I'd like to add them to the list.
The list is here: riendID=18326863&blogID=84436688&MyToken=20f0c8bf-0c 8e-4ef3-bf32-b008be605fec
Yes, I'm afraid it is a myspace blog. You're all probably gonna look at me as a chocolate eating newbie, but I'll get there. I'm hoping to have the list near-completed by Easter. Also, I'll probably swing by these forums every now and again to let you know how I'm getting on. Thanks in advance.