here teh WHOLE FF List
A sign of the zodiac: April
Something you beat: Apple
A part of the body with four letters: Arms
Something you have more than two in your body: Arms
A dangerous race: The Arabs
A slang word for money: Bitch (contestant thought Max Bygraves had said 'Mummy')
Some famous brothers: Bonnie and Clyde
Something associated with "Superman": Black hair
A famous cowboy: Buck Rogers
A song with "Moon" in the title: Blue Suede Moon
Something that flies that doesn't have an engine: Bicycle with wings
Something you open other than a door: Bowels
A bird with a long neck: Blackbird
A famous bridge: The Bridge over Troubled Waters
A polite word you'd use to curse: Bugger
An animal beginning with the letter B: Bullfrog
Something that frightens Dracula: Bob Monkhouse
A famous Dick: Carrot
A game played in the dark: Charades
An ingredient you use to stuff chicken: Chicken
A food that can be easily eaten without chewing: Chips (contestant was a soup salesman)
Something found on a fire engine: Coal
Something you associate with the sea: Coffin (contestant thought a word beginning with the letter "c")
Something slippery: Con-man
A way of cooking fish: Cod
A food that's difficult to eat if you wear false teeth: Curry
Something with a red light on it: Dalek
Name a game played with a black ball: Darts (contestant thought Les said a "black board")
Something you wear on the beach: Deckchair
Something you associate with the sea: Deckchair
Something you do in the bathroom: Decorate
Give a good reason for men to dig on the road: Dig a grave
An animal you might see at a zoo: Dog
A TV soap: Dove
A Cluedo character: Dr. Morse
Something a bridegroom might wear: Dress
Something you trim: Feet
A kind of ache: Filet-o-fish (he heard "hake")
Something that uses micro chips: Fish fryer
A type of record: Floppy disc
Name a famous Frank: French
An occasion or somewhere you are noticed to be late: Funeral
Something you keep in a garden shed: Gardener
Something a hostess does to let her guests know it's time to leave: Goes to bed
An ancient city: Greece
A boy's name beginning with J: Gerald
Something a cat does: Goes to the toilet
A famous Dick: Head
A game played in bed: Hide and seek
Something that the bride should know before they get married: His name
An item of clothing worn by the Three Musketeers: Horse
Name something you play in bed: "I Spy" (it was the top answer!)
Something you write on a holiday postcard: I'm going to send you a postcard home
A famous Irishman: Israelian
A famous Scotsman: Jock
A jacket potato topping: Jam
Something a dentist would say: Just a small prick
A sport which would be hazardous in a nudist colony: Leapfrog
A part of the body beginning with the letter N: Knee
A domestic animal: Leopard
Something trainspotters keep in their pocket: Magnifying glass
A singer who is known by one name: Michael Jackson
A form of transport you can walk around in: My foot
Something red: My cardigan
Name something deserted in winter: My sister
A famous Royal: Mail
A bird with a long neck: Naomi Campbell
An annual sporting event: The Olympics
A way to toast somebody: Over a fire (6th most popular answer!)
A type of large cat: Persian
Something associated with Robinson Crusoe: Peter Pan
Something associated with pigs: The police
A non-living object with legs: Plant
A method of securing your home: Put the kettle on
A food that can be brown or white: Potatoes
A cheese named after an English county: Philadelphia
Something you do standing on a chair: Read
Something associates with "The Three Bears": Red Riding Hood
Something you put on walls: Roofs
An annual sporting event: Running
A number you have to memorise: Seven
A famous 'Arthur' : Shakespeare (contestant thought Les said "author")
Something made of wool: Sheep
Something you might accidently leave on all night: Shoes
Something you do before going to bed: Sleep
A job a working dog does: Slave
A bird with long legs: Sparrow
Something that makes you scream: Squirrel
Part of a Christmas turkey: Stuffing
Something a blind man might use: Sword
Something a dentist would say: Smile and relax
Apart from 'snowman' a word beginning with 'snow': Sugar
Something you do in the event of a power cut: Switch the light on
Something in the garden that's green: The shed
Something people might be allergic to: Skiing
Something you have with coffee: The Sunday Sport
A famous Harry Enfield character: Sooty
Something you wouldn't try even once: Sex in a train
Something bad you wouldn't think about: Sex
A game played in bed: Tents
A famous Irishman: Thomas O'Malley
A game played in bed: Trampoline
A famous Irishman: Trevor McDonald
A bird with long legs: Turkey
An item of clothing you might borrow from your partner: Underwear
A famous Scotsman: Vinny Jones
Something with a hole in it: Window
Something that floats in the bath: Water
Something a car can have two of: Wheels
A bird you might find near water: Woman
A song with yellow in the title: Yellow Banana
A song with yellow in the title: Yellow Garden
One of "The Three Bears": Yogi
Something you stroke: You stroke a match
The last thing you take off before going to bed: Your feet