I wouldn't say no to a Twirl
Smurfy is welcome to the Star bars and Turkish Delights though!
I had a Twix today and although I usually like them I found it terribly sweet. the same happend when I ate a Picnic last week.
Like Lou, I currently like Crunchie or Twirl and Flakes.
crunchie and flake
used to like spira's 2
Crunchie or Twirl
Well I love boost and flake, what have they done to toffee crisp, it doesn't taste the same as it used to.
Toffee Crisp used to be a favourite of mine but they are terrible now. I'd rather eat the contents of my cat's litter tray.
Funny you should say that, new Nestle Choco-litter will be in the shops next week. I just read it on their website.