Ello all! I did post this to the Old Products section, but realised it is probably better in the Discontinued forum...
Hi, I was curious if anybody recognises this chocolate and where I may be able to get some from.
They used to be sold in Asda pick and mix (and Woolworths and probably most other pick & mix retailers). They were a cup / dome shaped chocolate and it was a soft (runny, liquid) caramel in a thick
dark chocolate cup. They may even have been called Caramel Cups.
I am sure the manufacturer may have begun with 'T' but it could have been anything (maybe even Jameson). They were wrapped in gold foil as I remember. I have seen these up until about 2 or 3 years ago which makes me think they are now discontinued.
If anybody knows anything about them, I would appreciate it.
Mat G
Birmingham, UK
PS - Chocolate Chick did reply, but I am sure they were Dark chocolate. Would love to track them down!