'What a silly question', said Rupert, showing his perfectly white teeth as he beamed with happiness.
'Rupert?' gasped Jocasta, 'you mean...?'
'Yes Jocasta', smiled Rupert. 'I'll marry you, of course I'll marry you'.
No one could say where the applause began or who started it, but it took hold of the church as if a magic spell had been cast over it. Emilia dabbed her eyes with her antique lace handkerchief, no longer caring that her expensive mascara was running. Serafina forgot the pain of her earlier morning sickness, rose to her feet and unashamedly cheered for her sister. Cousin Hubert blew his nose loudly into a Handy Andy. Cuthbert wondered how much it would cost to get Regina's scarf dry cleaned.
'Then by the power invested in me, I now finally pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss the bride'.
Were there really fireworks going off in the church? Or were they just part of the mosaic of emotions in Jocasta and Rupert's minds, as their bud of love finally blossomed into a full flower? It didn't matter. What mattered was that they were now Mr and Mrs Ellsworth-Symthe-Beaverington, and nothing could put them asunder.
'Can we get to the bloody reception now!' hissed Great Aunt Hortense at Frederick. 'My bag's nearly full up, if I don't empty it soon they'll need a boat to get down the aisle!'