Here is what one of my students wrote about her work experience:
For my work experience I looked after small children. I gave them snakes (snacks) to eat and watched them crawl on top of their playmates (playmats).
Reminds me of a sign from my college in the 80's.
'Notice to all students- No kissing in the pubic areas'
Well, I guess you had to be there.
For a long time until fairly recently, one of my local branch libraries had a letter missing and proudly announced 'PUBIC LIBRARY' over the door. Nobody else seemed to notice.....
Perhaps they couldn't read.
when my daughter was learning to read she was taught in phonics where the letter was said how it was written and when she was 5 she sent a friend of mine a birthday card which she proudly wrote herself using this method.......dear emily you are my F (f) A(ave) R (r) T (t) which as u see spelt fart took me ages to explain lol