i cant think of any of the roses chocolates that standsout as a favourite i would pick out first.....but with quality streetyou have the noisette triangle, malted toffee, orange crisp, too manyfavourites!
Just bought a close friend of mine who turns 20 on Saturday some Quality Street Big ones. I bought her Thornton's when she was 19 and she turned her nose up saying she preferred ordinary chocs. Women!
I love the Big Purple One.
Just bought a close friend of mine who turns 20 on Saturday some Quality Street Big ones. I bought her Thornton's when she was 19 and she turned her nose up saying she preferred ordinary chocs. Women!I love the Big Purple One.
So you're not one for splashing out on expensive gifts then?
That sounds like a future marriage made in heaven thenChoccy! Those two are my favourites as well.