mustn't pass judgement on peoples choice of passtime...none any sadder
than the last, especially if it makes you happy! I like Spurs, and
whilst that may make me sad in some eyes - i dont mind - its what i
Well said ... most past times can be deemed to be "a bit daft" if you
look at them in enough detail & with enough objectivity ... (I
mean, what useful purpose do most sports/games serve, really?
ok, it may
seem a bit 'trekkie' in places, but its all very cool. its a seriously
intense board-game...
Yeah, WHFB is still a very good game, although WH40K has been
"kiddified" too much - I much prefered the mechanics of 2nd Ed.
Probably why I spend ~15 hrs painting file models, and no time playing
anymore ...
...but love it or hate it, bounty is 100% correct about the models...
Yes, GW's models are quite cool. Although they seem to be
producing models I either really like, or ones that I really hate of
late... I have to say they've lost a lot of ground to Rackham in
the last few years IMHO (Rackham's early stuff was crap-looking) -
they're massively more detailed, and cheaper