70% Dark KitKat all the way

The King of the "not like it used to be" category is undoubtedly the Yorkie!!
It used to have a flavour that was all its own, creamy but not sickly like galaxy; You would know it if you were blindfolded. But a couple of months ago I had a regular yorkie for the 1st time in probably 8or9 years and I was so disgusted that I had to check the date because it tasted so stale!
The only thing i can liken it to is when you buy a cheap poundshop advent calendar, the ones that have no foil protection so the poor excuse for chocolate just tastes like the bleached recycled cardboard its surrounded by. and once its melted in your mouth you may as well just be chewing a candle for all the waxy texture it has to it.
A once great bar and a sad loss