Author Topic: A History of Easter Chocolate, From Emperors to Kings & Queens  (Read 2709 times)

Offline cavallier

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In a few days the great Easter Egg Search will start under the supervision of the Head Rabbit (soon to be headless) at the ring of the bell (not sure about the sound of a chocolate bell)—Chocolatiers of the world get ready.

We all know that cacao beans come from Mexico and we all assume that it was Hernando Cortez, the first Spanish chocoholic, who sent the first beans to America. But did you know that when Columbus landed in Guanaja, the indigenes gave him cacao beans that he threw overboard from the Santa Maria as he thought they were goat dung.

The Emperor Charles did not become immediately a cacao addict as he found the beverage too bitter. But a man of God, he gave to all the religious congregation of Spain the task of finding the best recipe for making of hot chocolate. History does not say which congregation recipe was chosen, but soon the Emperor and his court were drinking a delicious mixture of cacao, honey, and spices. Soon all of Spain was craving chocolate. The new chocolate fashion spread to Flanders, then Italy. When Anne of Austria, infant of Spain, was betrothed to Louis XIII, King of France in 1615, she brought along a dowry of 500,000 crowns and splendid jewels … and her personal chocolate supply. She was only eleven years old. 

For the rest of this interesting story, go here: