bought a yorkie 2 day and can see what u mean now me nephew was saying bout it as well i chewed it a bitlonger and can now see the diffrence but at least the wispa bar is still the same though but how long before thats gone. have 2 face it though chocolate is not what it used 2 be 80s days u could get all sorts cabana bar pacers the five centre bar amazing raisen texan they tried bringing that back just recent it was dreadful the taste on it. golden cup was anorther good one again discontinued i swear they do it on purpose cause the sweet firms no us the public r not happy but its prolley down to the save money on cheaper stuff to make the sweets and chocolate with anything to save money. there is a saying though if a jobs not worth doing rite its not worth doing at all and thats what these firms r doing now changing the texture and taste and skimping on what used to be good quality stuff had 2 be said