I have read articles telling people they shouldn't shop at Primark because the clothes are made by children being paid 50p a day, then i read we shouldn't buy clothes fom M&S and Next for the same reasons. I imagine all clothes shops are getting their clothes made cheaply overseas so should we all stop buying clothes.
Not exactly true, one of the many industries I have worked in is the clothing industry.
Courtaulds part of meridian group make clothes here and in factories they own abroard. They produce clothing in conditions that are what you would call acceptable.
Paul Smiths on the other hand buys his crap from 3rd world sweat shops.
I could tell you some stuff about both of those employers that are not exactly ethical although the meridian group one is nowhere as bad as Paul Smiths outfit.
Lets just say that if PS puts a shirt on the shelf that sells for £99.00 then he is making about 85% pure proffit to stick in his sky. If I told you what some of his prices were for buying in, you would be horrified at being ripped off for something that you can get at C&A for same price and possibly better quality.
This however does not solve the issue of 3.1415926535897932384626433832795 though.
All this talk of food has made me well hungry, about time I had dinner also!