Well after playing with it for a couple of days, ooo errr misses, fnarrr fnarrr.
I can say that I definately will be switching over to Linux given the following reasons...
- Internet is loads faster, under windows I can barely get 64kbps out of a T1 modem under windows XP final where as it rockets allong under Linux.
- I can do everything in Linux that can be done under Microsoft pile of, it can even read / write to FAT / NTFS and with WINE installed, run microsoft programs!
- Instead of using up 101Mb of ram like windows does, Linux uses about 26Mb
- On an old 2.6Ghz PC that struggles to perform under Windows, the thing is way toooooo fast under Linux.
- Linux is free!
The word Ubuntu is quoted as meaning...
Ubuntu is an African word meaning 'Humanity to others', or 'I am what I am because of who we all are'.
Ubuntu can run as a "Live CD" meaning you do not need to install it to use it, when your happy, you can install it.
Anyone wanting to try this version of Linux can download the
Ubuntu 8.10 Desktop ISO file, burn it to CD, reboot from CD, select to run Ubuntu without changing your cuyrrent PC in any way... Sit back and wait a couple of minutes while Ubuntu makes an environment it can function in... Give it a whirl. You will soon see what comes as standard with Linux builds is not what you get with Microsoft.
I don't mind saying that I was a die hard Microsoft fan but over the last couple of years Microsfot have done things and changed things that are actually intentional and hinder you.
If you update at Microsoft, your very likely to find that you are now required to "Re-register" your software like I just found with a computer that has functioned flawlessly for the past 10 years.
So its good bye from me and up yours to Micro$hite as I will not be using it for much longer.
I am stuck at the moment with Lappy which is a royal pain at present, she is 11 years old this year and the old girl needs a good service, fnarr fnarr... She refuses to (fore)play ball, me thinks its something to do with XP....