Thanks for posting this thread Lou. I would like to add that i have the greatest respect for everyone one of the regular posters on the forum and I have not changed my opinion of a single person as a result of robbie's betrayal. Well, that's not quite true. I used to think robbie was just a stupid prick but now I think he's total shit bag.
I value very much the support I have received from members over the years during difficult times and I know that, through the exchange of private messages during difficult times, we have all been of help to each other at various times.
We also, it's true, indulge in a little good natured teasing but I think everyone knows where to draw the line. Everyone, that is, except robbie. He hasn't shocked me with his disclosures, he hasn't made me think any less of anyone (except him), in fact he has made me realise how much I value my cyber friends - so thanks for that robbie.