Author Topic: May elections ( & pirson can vote!  (Read 2917 times)

Offline Velvet Darkness

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May elections ( & pirson can vote!
« Reply #15 on: January 26, 2007, 12:44:21 pm »

I was not talking about school bullies the original post was about people in prison.

My point was that whilst the criminals of every sort have prison social workers falling over themselves to get them counselling the victims are left to get their own help and if they don't feel up to it they fall through the gaps, no-one helps them. And Paedophilia was mentioned in one of your posts so my response to that was not un-warranted.

School bullying is a whole different matter.

My eldest daughter is the victim of a nasty little charmer at school at the moment and she was attacked and pushed down some stairs only last week, when she defended herself by hitting the girl and telling her to leave her alone or she'd hit her again, my daughter was given detention for getting into a fight!!! For sticking up for herself in an effort to put an end to this matter that the teachers will do nothing about, she is punished!

It would seem that society today supports the criminal and ignores the victims whatever sphere you move in.

Offline oldspice

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May elections ( & pirson can vote!
« Reply #16 on: January 26, 2007, 02:03:35 pm »
It can seem that way I know but really we're are just more in tune with what makes people behave badly and we want to change their behaviour so we can all get some peace.
Old but spicey!

Offline kevvosa

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May elections ( & pirson can vote!
« Reply #17 on: January 26, 2007, 02:07:01 pm »

Quote from: Velvet Darkness

And Paedophilia was mentioned in one of your posts so my response to that was not un-warranted.

What I was saying was that victims of a paedophile turned to crime themselves. They need counselling to prevent re-offending. I'm not saying that any excuse justifies their actions and I'm certainly not sticking up for them, but if it reduces crime, I support it.


It would seem that society today supports the criminal and ignores the victims whatever sphere you move in.

I do agree with this. Friends of mine have had to suffer abuse from chavs simply because if they try fight back, they'll either get:

a) their windows put out by members of their gang
b) the police round

But if you report them to the police, god help you. You will probably wake up to a house full of smashed windows.

Offline Velvet Darkness

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May elections ( & pirson can vote!
« Reply #18 on: January 26, 2007, 02:15:47 pm »

But if you report them to the police, god help you. You will probably wake up to a house full of smashed windows.

Oh tell me about it, it's awful isn't it? You can either put up with being a victim of a small crime or report it and then start a vendetta that just escalates!

Where we used to live before we moved down here there was a set of old people's bungalows just across the road, and one little old dear (she was a super lady) was having her pension removed by force through threats and vandalism, every week, by one of the little heroes that lived on the estate above. He used to bray on her windows in the middle of the night every night and phone her in the early hours of the morning and threaten her until she pushed her pension through the letter box for him.

I just cannot think of the words to describe people as low as this.