On the subject of mobile phones I have a dilemma with Orange at the moment. I bought a mobile phone at the Orange phone shop in April for my sons birthday. It has started to play up and the screen freezes or it turns itself off intermittently. I had kept the box and the receipt so I took it back to the shop on Wednesday.
The 'young' girl in the shop dithered about, looked ubncomfortable and then went out back to talk to somebody. When she came back she said "Our warranty only covers the phone for 6 months, we can send it off to be fixed, but it'll cost you 15"
I was furious as the product warranty is 12 months, but Orange only consider themselves liable for 6 months as it is not an Orange product. I said that if I buy a Phillips radio from Dixons and it fails in 8 months they change it.
I feel cheated by their customer service.... it is PANTS!
The girl gave me and address and phone number saying the phone would be collected for repair free. When I phoned them this was incorrect. I have to send it and pay to do so!
This 6 month balony was never made clear to me when I bought it... they were happy to take my money quickly enough.
I am really peeved by this. Surely they shouldn't be selling something to me that they only have 6 months faith in.
Am I right to feel irritated by this? I am planning to complain to Orange... but they are so damn illusive I'm not quite how to. Any ideas?