Am i imagining this but were hedgehog crisps shaped like hedgehogs? I may be dreaming but i have memories of my dad buying them for me and telling me they had actual hedgehogs in them. I still ate them though!
I remember krunchie puffs from the school tuck shop. 5p a bag. I used to eat loads. God knows how i wasn't obese!?
Does anyone remember Chipitos? They were like cheesy Wotzits but crunchier and came out in the late 1960s.
I used to love Ringos. I've always preferred savoury snacks that have a different texture from crisps (which I find cut my gums and the roof of my mouth). i also find the beefy and BBQ flavours of today are far too salty.
i remember years and years ago..another or maybe the same company brought out the same sort of thing but with flavours ie tomato..smokey bacon etc...i don't think they did to good as i they didn't seem to stay around for to long..does anyone else remeber these ?
does anyone else remeber these ?
Yes I remember them; I must have been about 8 or 9 when they were out. I liked the flavours but I had some kind of allergy to them since they brought me out in a rash!