You might remember I recently emailed Nestles and Cadburys to ask why they don't use a minimum of 30% cocoa solids in their chocolate. That was two weeks ago. I have had no reply yet from Cadburys, but have received today a strange one from Nestles.
It's a long convoluted reply but certainly sounds like they have something to hide. To paraphrase, they thanked me for my query but said they don't accept "unsolicited suggestions about their products, promotions or advertising." They went on to say chocolate making "is a complicated process" and they have a number of in house experts who determine what ingredients are used in their products. They also said that while I might think my suggestion is a new one developments might be already underway.
Does anyone think that tells me why they don't use a minimum of 30% cocoa solids? I have emailed back asking if my query has been mixed up with someone else's