Thought I would share this with you. Today I was at the hairdressers and my hairdresser is from South Africa. Some old dear comes in to get her hair done saying she is going on holiday for two weeks with her daughter. Hairdresser asks where she is going, she says Harrogate. He asks "do you go by plane or boat"? She replies "train". He says "I hope the weather keeps nice for you . Please bring your holiday photos in to show me". She leaves the shop and he turns to me and says "What country is Harrogate in?". Well it made me laugh.
A little while later we hear someone trying to open the door but having some difficulty. Eventually a youngish bloke walks in a bit red in the face and says "I'm very sorry but I pulled so hard your knob came off in my hand" Hairdressers says Shame, I didn't feel a thing, did I enjoy it?" At which point I choked on my cup of tea, spilt what I had left into my lap and hairdresser walks over and says"oh dear looks like you pissed yourself".