The movie hits in 2013...
If its anything like that CRAP American version of Thomas is will be crap aswell..
Yes but, be fair, you are supposed to be about four to really get the most from these films.
I never saw it until a few years ago, and even them my sisters kids did not like it either. It turns out Brit allcoft the person that made the film also hates it. The reason for that is, the film company made last min ( I mean last min) changes to voices, storyteller and even some bits of the plot. The person for did the tv show Michael? was suppose to do the voice of most of the other engines... ( but the us test group said no, I know what I would have said to that group)
There is now a campaign to get the Uncut version released, I only know this as I was bored one evening, plus there whole website about this.