For the record I don't believe they were playing Scrabble either; it's not the fact that Moir's suggesting this that bothers me. What's truly offensive is that she denounced their behaviour as 'sleazy' and described it as 'a blow to the myth of happy-ever-after civil partnerships', and also said Stephen Gately was a bad role model. First of all, who the hell is she to decide that just because a couple might choose not to be 100% monogamous they must be unhappy? Second of all, even if they were unhappy, what the hell does that have to do with the thousands of other happy civil partnerships in existence? Also if the article wasn't homophobic, as she's now claiming, why did she bring Kevin McGee's suicide into it?
P.S. Dr Terror - I don't do flaming, but when people preface statements with 'apparently' I can't help thinking they've read some internet conspiracy theory and taken it as gospel.