When i entered High School aged 11, we had a wonderful form teacher called Mrs Tilley. First years spent Friday afternoons with their form teacher and at about 3pm she was ask us to settle down so we were comfortable ('heads on arms on desks boys and girls') and she would read to us. If we were good, we got a Penguin biscuit! She was the most wonderful person and read us brilliant books - starting with 101Dalmations! Everyone behaved for Mrs Tilley. It would have been cruel not to.
I use loads of praise and rewards with the special needs class I teach (16+ year olds who have been excluded from education for long periods or who have had difficult times at school). Most of them are bright but don't have a clue how to use their brains. I think it is important to challenge them intellectually and empower them. Yes, sometimes I use chocolate, or homemade cakes or 'film afternoons' but mostly I reward them but making the lessons as interesting as I can so they enjoy learning.