[Designed with the female audience in mind, the new fresh variant is not only low in fat, but is rich in protein and calcium, which can help to build stronger bones, healthier skin and shiny hair.
With three quarters of young women not consuming enough calcium it is hoped that the new Galaxy one litre fresh drink will be a way to encourage women to increase the level of calcium in their diet.
The drink, which is made from 87% fresh British milk, will give consumers the health benefits of calcium, amino acids and vitamin B12 together with the great taste of Galaxy. The product does not contain any artificial colouring or sweeteners and is only 2% fat.]
http://www.talkingretail.com/products/10221/Galaxy-drink-introduces-fresh-.ehtmlAlternatively, get off your painfully blade thin/gargantuan* arse, go buy some semi skimmed/skimmed milk and a tin of drinking chocolate.
It'll save you fortunes. Probably.
*Delete as applicable.