Aero with Honeycomb was truly horrific. I've never tasted anything as bad. (Well, except Fuse).
Years ago, when Aero was made by Rowntrees, they were lovely, creamy, bubbly bars. I can remember being a small child and sitting on my bed eating a small Aero bar given to me by my big sister. I can still feel the texture between my teeth and the way the bubbles burst into chocolateness on my tongue. Of course, in those days all such treats were rare so we appreciated them more. I think, by today's standards, were were very, very poor and only had sweets and chocolate on birthdays and at Easter or Christmas. Also, if a better-off relative visited, they would often bring a small treat.
I can remember too the treat of being able to choose a Club biscuit in the grocers once in a while. In those days they sold them in singles from the counter top. Does anyone else remember this? No multi-packs but Penguins and Club biscuits and YoYos being sold in singles?