I believe those in charge were happy to put "one over" the old imperialists.
However on a wider theme, to me, it appears as though Muslims are happy to accept the victim status trotted out by the extreme wings of their "Religion". The messages sent out by Al Qaeda and their like are increasingly finding favour with more and more of the population and the moderates are not willing or capable of tackling these views and debunking the myths propogated in the name of Islam.
It is my firm belief that a full scale war against Islamic forces (or those extremists who purport Islam is under attack) will happen sooner rather than later.
Yes, I understand their grievances in places such as Palestine but such complicated issues are not one sided.
America should not have invaded Iraq? Very probably not, unless you have a consistent foreign policy (Zimbabwe?). However it is not US/Allied soldiers killing the populace there. It is Muslims, brother against brother. How does that square with the teachings of the Koran?