I didn't see it, but from what you've said I'm not sorry.
I hate to watch that kind of thing.
Picketing funerals? I don't think I have the words for how awful that is, and you say they took their 6 year old with them?.
I can't think of anything more personal and disrespectful than picketing a funeral, after all the people attending it are going through enough already without having to deal with this kind of thing on top.
Sometimes I think humans take their right to personal freedom too far. People like these don't seem to care that others have rights too, it's only about what they want.
It takes courage to change and be different from your parents and the way you were brought up, and I hope their children find it somewhere and realise that although you should be the most important person in your life that doesn't mean you can just ignore the fact that you do not live in this world alone and the other people have feelings too.