I think it is amazing that this poster or advertisement makes it appear that the reason so many people are fat is nothing to do with lack of excercise and all the rubbish people guzzle huge amounts of on a daily basis.
No....... it is a plot by Tony Blair and the government to whittle down the pension fund!!!!
What rot. If you don't want your kids to be fat don't feed them junk. Simple as that! None of them need 3 bags of crisps and two meals with chips washed down with a litre of coca cola every day to keep them happy.
People seem to be a little too anxious to pass the blame for their actions these days. Experts agree that what you put into your body directly affects what happens to your health in general and your skin, hair, energy levels and weight in particular.
No-one forces anyone to feed themselves junk. You are the one controlling your arm as it shovels large mouthfulls of pizza, burgers and chips down your face at each and every meal.
Get an apple for heavens sakes.