LOU HERE ARE OUR DEMANDSB: cretiet a NEW games section
It is called another site with games as its theme or see the ones Chocadmin has put on.
so GC idea not thT GREAT? bk
The idea was fine (IMHO) but the game has lost its way somewhat and I agree with BK that many of us who used to contribute don't bother reading it anymore. Loulou asked me what I thought about unsticking it and I agreed. It's quite true that if people want to keep playing it, it will stay at the top anyway.
I was confused when it became 'unsticky' but there are more important things in life. What I like about this forum is that 99% of the time Chocadmin just lets us get on with it and doesn't start ticking people off for repeating a thread from three years previously. Let's keep it relaxed; life's too short to worry about moving threads and deleting posts.