Having crabs doesn't mean you are a slut. Sexually transmitted diseases such as this can be caught in many ways and if you only slept with one sexual partner or a hundred. Saying someone has crabs is a silly insult, like saying you stink. It has no meaning.
At the end of the day 90% of you out of the ganged up on someone and most of you commit the same crimes as her. There are plenty on single emoticon posts, or even multi emoticon posts. Also, you were all happy to stick the knife in and poke her enough so she got banned.
I am not denying she was lighthearted and probably someone having a bit of fun, but that is what this place used to be about, not about having to fit in with the little clique you have all built up.
I am proud I have been able to respond and tell you what I feel, and you will not convince me that she was not bullied with your 'but she called me names' I hear enough of that at work and it doesn't wash then and it certainly won't work now. Unfortunately you will not manage to make me intimidated into agreeing with you.