Did nayone see that programme last night featuring three families who spend, spend, spend? Two of the families were rich and one was an ordinary tribe with five kids.
One lot spent loads of money buying designer coats for their dogs (I kid you not - hoodies for dogs). The family with five kids spent most of their money on very expensive clothes and shoes for their tribe. Three of the children were tiny - yet their mother was spending hundreds of pounds each on a single outfit. At one time she confessed the kids had 'about ten pairs of shoes each'. She held a tiny pair or trainers up to the camera - "these cost £90 a pair" she boasted.
The most amusing bit to me was when she was introducing the children -
"Destiny - when I had her, I didn't know where I was going so I called her Destiny; then there's the twins - I was going to call them Ebony and Ivory but I thought it was a name mixed race babies might choose so I called them Ocean Blue and (I can't remember the other name).
Would a mixed race couple seriously choose Ebony and Ivory for their children's names???