Assistant: Hello Gas emergencies
Bounty: Hi, I'd like to report a gas leak please.
Ass: What town are you in please?
Bty: Nottingham.
Ass: What's the postcode?
Bty: What my postcode?
Ass: No, the postcode of the gas leak?
Bty: Funnily enough I don't have my Whittakers almanac on me.
Ass: Pardon?
Bty: Nothing erm, I guess it's NG7 something, it's just round from where I work and that's NG7.
Ass: What's the road?
Bty: Gregory street
Ass: Gregly street?
Bty: No *slowly* Gregory street.
Ass: OK, and you don't know the postcode.
Bty: No, but I think it's NG7.
Ass: Are there any obvious landmarks outside the property:
Bty: Well, I'm nearly at work now, but there was a sort of hedge.
Ass: A hedge?
Bty: yes, like a conifer hedge. I think it was a Leylandii.
Ass: A Ley?
Bty: It doesn't matter.
Ass: I have to tell you not to light any naked flames or incandescent mat...
Bty: Excuse me I'm nowhere near there now
Ass: ...erial or.
Brrrrrr.... *Bounty Hangs up*