Very pleasent in Asda. All very friendly and say hello.
At my local Asda it's the customers who are the grumpy weirdos!
i work in tescos and I'm always nice, always say hello and thank you! Although it's probably because I only work part time.
Anyway, Gillian McKeith makes me see red. She looks as if she could do with a good KFC bargain bucket!
Anyway, Gillian McKeith makes me see red.
Me too. She preaches about being healthy but she doesn't look healthy at all.
I just think her way of eating is completely unsustainable for someone who has previously had a very poor diet. There seems to be no room for deviations on her diet and I think thats bound to make someone fall off the wagon.
Quote from: chocolate chickVery pleasent in Asda. All very friendly and say hello.At my local Asda it's the customers who are the grumpy weirdos!
Same in my Asda! But my local Sainsburys (just a small one) has several friendly employees who I can have a bit of banter with to brighten my day and probably spoil theirs.
Quote from: smurfboyHave you noticed how the people who used to sl*g each other off are now chumming up? Yes
Have you noticed how the people who used to sl*g each other off are now chumming up?
It's not chuming up smurfy its simply being polite and nice and maybe being the bigger man trying to put an end to all the petty rows(and yes that is me admitting there petty)