General / Introduce your local chocolatiers!
« on: March 05, 2013, 06:27:26 pm »
I've searched for a topic of this kind, but haven't find anything, so I made this thread.
Since we all love our daily dose of chocolate I was wondering if you're visiting or buying from (or even are!) local chocolatiers?
Since I am not much of a writer myself, I think this article http://jaybanks.ca/vancouver-blog/2013/02/25/top-chocolatiers-vancouver/ sums up our Vancouver chocolatiers nicely. What about your city or town? Or perhaps you know about another Vancouver chocolatier that should be mentioned?
I've searched for a topic of this kind, but haven't find anything, so I made this thread.
Since we all love our daily dose of chocolate I was wondering if you're visiting or buying from (or even are!) local chocolatiers?
Since I am not much of a writer myself, I think this article http://jaybanks.ca/vancouver-blog/2013/02/25/top-chocolatiers-vancouver/ sums up our Vancouver chocolatiers nicely. What about your city or town? Or perhaps you know about another Vancouver chocolatier that should be mentioned?