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Messages - ayrshirechocman

Pages: [1] 2 3
Old Products / Re: Kinder Milk Slice?
« on: October 30, 2012, 10:49:21 pm »
Yes, OP, you got them in the UK.

I loved them.

General / Re: Rest In Peace...
« on: October 22, 2012, 04:03:06 am »
streets full of marauding perverts.

Good grief.
And you wonder why the govt was reticient to give the public access to information on sex offenders for fear of the pitchfork brigade.

General / Re: Rest In Peace...
« on: October 21, 2012, 02:59:55 pm »

Thank you for your reply. It was polite and intelligent, unlike the childish vitriol I had to suffer last night from another poster.

To give you my background, I spent three years working for the CICA in Glasgow. A job which involved dealing with the victims of rape and sexual abuse. Mostly female, some adult and some teenagers and even children. Conversely, I dealt with boys and men who had been the victims of false rape and abuse claims. 'Thankfully', most of my caseload was robbery, assault, burglary, unpleasant crimes, but the rape and abuse (or false claims) were the worst and most depressing. I had to meet the people as well as wade through all the police and court and social service evidence, not a nice job at times. So I have dealt with the real victims of rape and abuse and the horrible effects of it, but also I have seen how women, teenage girls and even children can lie and ruin a man's or a boy's life. So perhaps thats why I maintain a central position on issues like this. 

Does anyone think a man of this age should be slobbering over teenage girls, even if they threw themselves naked at his feet?  Does anyone think it is normal for men in their 20s/30s/40s or older to enjoy sex with teenagers?

No. As a red blooded male, I can understand why he would be attracted to lovely young ladies, but as an older man, he should walk away. Its called self-control.

I used to know a 40 year old who actively chased 16/17 year olds (as a handsome man, he was actually quite successful). But myself and others who worked with him, mostly men, thought he was sad and out of order.

As to is it normal, men will always look at beautiful young girls. Its nature. But thats where it should stop. Look, fantasise in your head, but leave young girls for young men. Being crude, older men should go home and have a w*nk and leave the girls to enjoy being teenagers and falling in love and lust with boys their own age.

I am 42. If I see a gorgeous young girl, I look. I cant help it, as a hetero male, I will look at any attractive girl or woman. BUT I would never, ever even think of actually trying to chat them up, let alone bed them. BECAUSE I am 42. And they are not. They are 16 or 17 or 18. To me, they are like a pretty flower: you look at it and then you walk on. You dont walk into the garden and tear up the roses and steal them.

(at this point, you will grasp that I am not good with

General / Re: Rest In Peace...
« on: October 21, 2012, 04:41:39 am »

I am not the alterego of the other poster, I have been a member of this site for several years!. 17th Dec 2006 to be exact. Check my post history. Which will show that this is the first time I have ever posted on a non-chocolate related thread. And I joined it only to correct the poster who got the age of consent laws slightly wrong. In fact, I come to ChocReview for the news, I as you can see very rarely ever post at all.

Frankly, I wish I hadnt bothered now, as you are downright insulting. Are you always this rude and ill-mannered to people on here?. Frankly, you should apologise to someone who is a long term member of this site, but I wont hold my breath.

As to your silly comment re 'peadophile laws', I know the law because I am an intelligent, well-read person. Sorry for that. Just because you are ignorant dosent mean the rest of us are. By that bizarre 'logic', because I know a lot about the Nazis, I must be one.
Or because I know roughly the average sentence for rape and murder, I must secretly want to do those crimes.

BTW, most people in the country have heard of the charge of unlawful sexual intercourse with a minor. As most people have heard of most charges in this country. We've all heard of GBH, dosent mean most of us want to go around smashing people's faces in, does it?. If they didnt know of the 'unlawful' charge, they certainly did when ex-England and Arsenal footballer Graham Rix was rightly jailed for it a few years ago. As it was all over the news.

So does that mean the majority of the country who have heard of that particular sex charge are paedos?.

I tried to make an intelligent, measured and thoughtful post, trying to add something to the thread. I clearly wasted my time, with pitchfork-waving hysterics like you about.

General / Re: Rest In Peace...
« on: October 20, 2012, 08:24:43 pm »
all i can say is WOW - did you REALLY just write that?

The poster is making a valid point.
It may not be one you like, but he has a point.

There are clear and obvious victims of men and women who sexually abuse and rape children and teenagers, but the poster was and is referring to teenagers (usually girls) who since the days of the Beatles, have happily slept with rock and pop stars, TV stars. Hence the word 'groupie'. And groupies have always been young, female, and around 14-21. Hence the word jailbait.

You are correct that the men should simply ignore these girls, as they are underage. Absolutely correct.

But you are being nieve if you think a teenager having sex with an older partner is automatically an abused or raped or coerced child. Common sense tells you that there is a difference between a little child being sexually abused, a teenager being abused and raped, and a teenager who is a willing partner in sexual intercourse with an older partner.  The latter may still be wrong, but it isnt rape or abuse. And in fact it cheapens real abuse and rape to call it that.

You call the poster sick. I worry about the hysteria and lack of common sense I see in replies like yours.

With Savile and April Jones, it is not a good time to be living in Britain. Because we are quickly sliding back into the 'peado panic' of 10-12 years ago. And thats not healthy.

General / Re: Rest In Peace...
« on: October 20, 2012, 08:12:57 pm »
A 13 year old 'groupie' cannot legally consent to sex (or sexual petting) and grown men should have known better how ever provocative the offer.  The legal age is 16 for a reason

Actually that is not true. Whilst the legal age is 16, the age at which a child can be mentally deemed to have consented to sex is 12.

That is why we have the offence of 'unlawful sexual intercourse with a minor', as opposed to the Yanks who have 'statutory rape' for any sex where one of the participants is underage. Under 12, the child is deemed not mentally old enough to grasp what sex is, and its rape pure and simple.

IMO ours is a far more sensible offence, as it confirms that the underage happily consented, whereas the US law deems it to be rape, even if it was consentual. There is still punishment, but not the prison term youd get for rape. It also allows the charges of rape or sexual abuse to be saved so to speak for where there has been actual rape and abuse.

For example, if a 16 year old boy has sex with a 14 year old girl, or a 17 year old boy and a 15 year old girl, then the law takes common sense and sexual consent into the equation. Rather than charge the boy with rape, he gets charged under a far more sensible offence.

Discontinued? / Re: Old Jamaica Bars
« on: March 23, 2009, 07:32:29 pm »
Punter on the TV/film forum and news site who says he has just seen some OJ bars in his local Co-op...

edit: Ah I see why, with the release of the Bourneville OJ Bars imminent.

Old Products / Re: Cadburys Top Deck
« on: January 19, 2009, 03:22:12 pm »
There is a South African shop on ebay.

I think they sell them.

Old Products / Re: Spira Bar, anyone?...
« on: January 19, 2009, 03:19:37 pm »
Old wizened nuts are not good.


Ooer madam!.

Old Products / Re: Cadburys Top Deck
« on: November 19, 2008, 01:24:05 am »
There are a couple of ebay sellers/shops seeling SA food, and they usually sell Cadbury's chocolate from there, like the Top Deck.

Old Products / Re: Toffee Crumble Ice lollies for sale in Iceland
« on: November 19, 2008, 01:18:56 am »
Farmfoods also sell them.

General / Re: Meltis Newberry Fruits
« on: June 05, 2008, 12:58:55 pm »
Anyone know which shops are stocking this?.

I have seen them online, but few and far between in shops here in Ayrshire.

Discontinued? / Dairy Milk Wafer
« on: June 05, 2008, 12:25:49 pm »
Is this bar still being made?.

If not, I assume it was recent?.

Even if not, does anyone know any shops that still might have some stock?.I am not talking about individual shops, but high street shops, pound shops, supermarkets etc...

General / Meltis Newberry Fruits
« on: December 15, 2007, 12:39:39 pm »
For those who had forgotten that Meltis Newberry Fruits cam back on the market this year...

And might want a last minute Christmas present...




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