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Messages - Latte Lady

Pages: [1]
New Products / Quality street with Yorkie bars in it??
« on: January 06, 2006, 02:02:06 pm »

My! I've finally received an email reply from Nestle, which is somewhat short of acceptable. It's nothing less than I expected - a standard reply suggesting that they will send me a cheque to partially recover my original outlay (no actual figure given).
I will not reply in haste but will send a considered reply next week to the Chief Executive.
There are all the issues that I wanted an answer to, none of which have been fulfilled.
* why didn't they put notification on the tin?
* why were they not in the tin as a bonus?
* why were so many 'regular' flavours missing? 
* trading standards/sale of goods act issues etc.

Just been onto their website to make sure that I don't buy any of their other products in the future, of which there are very many!  Just got  my workplace to change their regular order of coffee for a brand that is not Nestle -I'm spreading the word!

New Products / Quality street with Yorkie bars in it??
« on: January 04, 2006, 05:03:46 pm »

I found 10 Yorkies in my tin and they are not extra to the 'paid for' weight.  This equated to one sixth of the weight. Has anyone had a reply from Nestle? I rang them on 21st Dec and got a voice message saying that they were all busy and best to email them. I've now emailed twice (to different addresses) and STILL haven't had a reply!

Wot's going on!
It's an absoulte swiz!

I had only 1 purple one and only 2 green triangles (our favourites and NO strawberry creams
By the way I also asked them to re-instate the praline cracknel


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