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Messages - pixiemixie

Pages: [1]
General / Mars do U-turn on animal ingredients
« on: May 20, 2007, 09:11:15 pm »
Surely I'm not the only one who thinks this was a massive PR stunt? 

Now veggies can go into a shop and think "oooh Mars - I know they're definitely veggie after all that press when they nearly went non-veggie, I know I'll get them".  (OK so not all veggies, but you know what I mean)


Also, they now have an excuse to say, put the price up by a couple of pence, because they're using veggie ingredients, over what they may claim to be cheaper alternatives.... me a cynic but......

Discontinued? / Cadbury Shots
« on: January 07, 2006, 11:06:46 pm »
GREAT NEWS!!!  I can just about cope with my craving if I know they're making a come back!!  ..BTW I'm not pregnant or anything  - I always crave choccies (probably like a lot of people round here!!) 

General / Chocolate Tasting Clubs
« on: January 07, 2006, 10:54:53 pm »

Our secret santa banned choccie & smellies... don't care about the smellies but banning chocolate's criminal!!!



Discontinued? / Cadbury Shots
« on: December 27, 2005, 07:58:01 am »

Has anybody seen these lately?  Got a massive craving for them & can't find them anywhere!!


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