Old Products / Re: Walnut Whips
« on: January 11, 2010, 03:26:25 pm »
Hello All
I came to this site as nobody would beleive me that it was 'Duncans Walnut Whip'
I was eating them when Churchill was P.M. and before Elizabeth was enthroned'
Could he realy be that old? Would I joke about such a thing?
Yes they did have a walnut inside and one on top.
I vividly remember searching for 'the inside one' when they stopped it.
Shoppy wouldn't give me my money back either, or my sweet coupon.
One real tease for any member like me still above ground.
Does anybody remember a competitor to Mars Bars, a bar called Cress?
I came to this site as nobody would beleive me that it was 'Duncans Walnut Whip'
I was eating them when Churchill was P.M. and before Elizabeth was enthroned'
Could he realy be that old? Would I joke about such a thing?
Yes they did have a walnut inside and one on top.
I vividly remember searching for 'the inside one' when they stopped it.
Shoppy wouldn't give me my money back either, or my sweet coupon.
One real tease for any member like me still above ground.
Does anybody remember a competitor to Mars Bars, a bar called Cress?