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Messages - ChocolateSecret

Pages: [1]
Foreign Products / Re: small manufacturer from Australia
« on: December 02, 2008, 12:18:49 pm »
I was going to apologise earlier for my initial post, but then realised, reading the responces, that I only trigered something that the regular members of this forum had to sort out anyway.
I sent a PM to the moderator requesting a bit more info on affiliated program, no responce so far.
As I said, I find this forum quite informative and happy to place a link on my website.
Sweet dreams..

Foreign Products / small manufacturer from Australia
« on: November 25, 2008, 10:42:23 am »
are people allowed to announce their product range here?

MOD EDIT: Hi. We don't have any advertising as such on this website, but if you have an affiliate programme it might be worth you sending Chocadmin a private message with the details.

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