« on: August 27, 2015, 04:51:47 pm »
I know alot of people who still use the trusted PC for the internet and Gaming ( 30 years still game you!) I do use my mobile for the internet if needing quick access but its crap, since you always end up on the mob lie version. Tablets I dont trust either.
Joey Essex is up his own arse and needs shot, He is whats wrong with Essex. He having a laugh about EU surly? I know he has smarter friends, If he really is that stupid there just using him.
Wilkinsons had half pick n mix sale wee while back. IF we really wont to bitch lets talk about that nasty vile man IDS or our beloved prime mister, HE has lied, broke alot of promise and lets not forget double OUR NATIONAL DEBT, and spend more than the last labour government in its 13 years. Somehow only UKIP notice this point...