« on: March 16, 2010, 03:38:41 pm »
hi every 1 i e mailed nestle this week asking why do they change the taste in their chocolate as ive noticed milky bar rolos and aero and roundtrees fruit hums which r now made by nestle are soft they used to be firm. i mentioned this to nestle and this is what they e mailed me back. Dear Paul
Thank you very much for your email.
We were sorry to hear that you have been disappointed with our confectionery products recently.
No significant changes have been made to confectionery products. We believe that the popularity of this product shows that we have achieved a successful balance between taste and value for money.
We always try to maintain the highest possible standards for our products and apologise if, on this occasion, you feel we have not succeeded.
Thank you once again for taking the trouble to contact us. I hope this reply answers your questions and that you enjoy our products in the future.
Yours sincerely
Christine Masterson
Consumer Relations Executive
Consumer Services
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and is confidential. If this email has been misdirected, please let
the sender know and delete it. Any disclosure, copying,
distribution is prohibited. Although we take great care to protect
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so im going to phone them now as its a free phone number they in my opinon have not told the truth here as they have changed the taste on aero for 1 its more softer now and fruit gums r hard so why dont they own up to this fact the public are gonna notice when they eat the stuff.