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Messages - Choccychicky

Pages: [1]
Discontinued? / Weekend
« on: May 26, 2005, 07:57:50 pm »

Oh man!

Thanks for posting the pic oldspice, I don't think I remember those boxes. The one I do remember was like a creamy-white (bit like Dairy Box colour) with flowers in the corner. Ahhhh. They just dont make them like they used to huh?

I miss weekend, 'Bring Em Back!!'



Discontinued? / Weekend
« on: May 25, 2005, 10:21:13 am »

Thanks for all your help guys, much appreciated!

It's a shame you can't get weekend anymore, but I'll be sure to have a look at the picture.

No Bounty Hunter, I'm not Chocolate Chicks little sister, It was just a very quick name I thought up when I signed up to the forum

Thanks again guys, and I look forward to chatting with you all about other choccy goodness.


Discontinued? / Weekend
« on: May 24, 2005, 10:42:51 pm »

Hi there, this is my first post!

Does anyone remember 'Weekend'? They were a box of chocolates and candies and I can't think who actually made them, was it Terry's or Rountrees Mackintosh? Or am I wrong on both of those?

If anyone can help and if anyone knows where I can maybe seek out a place that still sells that particular box of chocolates, then please let me know! My big brother seems to think that you can still get them but are very hard to find.

I used to buy them for my Mum every mothers day, and that was over 15 odd years ago!

Cheers guys



Pages: [1]