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Messages - robbie

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 38
General / Prisoner Cell Block H DVD Box Set.
« on: August 24, 2008, 06:08:35 pm »
I have it, someone wants it.

I got it from Austrailia.

I also have Seinfeld seasom 1, 2 and 3, maybe we are not so different.

General / Re: WARNING
« on: August 24, 2008, 12:05:04 am »
Thanks Lou, sorry you had to be dragged in to this.

I only hope the offending person (you know who you are) will listen, but I doubt it.  I suffer abuse every time I log into this site and it's just not fair.  I don't know why it happens, my only hope is that the other members arn't being insulted too.  I suppose as long as all the attacks are aimed at me, the others are safe.  That's the only thing that keeps me coming back to the site.

General / Robin Galloway
« on: August 23, 2008, 11:49:14 pm »
Anyone a fan of his 'witty' wind ups?

I'm not.

General / Re: Walkers brings back original Monster Munch
« on: August 23, 2008, 11:01:49 pm »
I'm quite pleased about this.  I love the Pickled Onion and the Beef.  I used to make Pickled Onion Monster Munch sandwiches with Laughing Cow.

I agree, Flaming Hot was not an original flavour, but they have been around for about 13 years.  Other flavours I remember are Cheese, Bacon, Pickled Onion which made your tongue blue, Spahetti, and Burger.

I also remember Vanilla Ice Cream flavour, which tasted really queer.  Similar to when Skips brought out a Doughnut flavour.

I remember when Monster Munch was Smiths before Walkers took over.  For some reason, Walkers still use the brand name 'Smiths' on Chipsticks.  I have often wondered why.  Perhaps they dont use the healthier option 'Sunseed' oil in them, so don't want them associated with the all new, reduced saturated fat Walkers line.

General / Re: Looking for a name of a song: FOUND IT!
« on: August 23, 2008, 10:40:51 pm »
Really?  I think it is overused, always on adverts or playing behind trailors etc.

If you like this, listen to 'Rapture' by Blondie.

General / Walkers 'Create a Flavour'
« on: August 19, 2008, 10:14:30 pm »
Have any of you had any ideas.

My idea is simple yet complex.


Due to the lack of success from the recently discontinued 'Cheddar Cheese' flavour, I realise this needs to be sexed up.

I propose 'Five Cheese'.

Has anyone seen the cheese you can buy that has five layers of different cheeses conbined into one block?  I propose walkers make five different flavour crisps, each one with a slightly different coloured seasoning.  Mature Cheddar, Red Leicester, Lancashire, Stilton and Wensleydale. 

The five flavours of crisps are then conbined into one bag.


General / Does anyone think this looks realistic?
« on: May 04, 2007, 02:24:58 pm »

General / Yay or Nay game
« on: May 03, 2007, 03:31:26 pm »


General / Yay or Nay game
« on: May 03, 2007, 02:42:41 pm »

Dandelion and Burdock

General / I;m OFF
« on: May 02, 2007, 06:44:35 pm »
I wouldn't put it past him.  You can tell he is disturbed and it's these kinds of guys that end up killing people.

He will end up like Barry George or someone.


robbie2007-05-02 17:46:23

General / Oscar de la Hoya VS Floyd Mayweather jr.
« on: May 02, 2007, 06:40:04 pm »
Bet you wouldn't

General / I;m OFF
« on: May 02, 2007, 06:31:17 pm »
Who would you stab?

General / Its FIRST of MAY!
« on: May 02, 2007, 06:28:03 pm »
Why are you shouting bra?

General / I;m OFF
« on: May 02, 2007, 06:22:21 pm »
623 is this you?

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