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Messages - alikatty

Pages: [1]
General / montanv ainsley
« on: July 15, 2007, 04:07:52 am »
i am such a sad person i  bought ainsley harriots chocolate heavens only  to find they are exactly  the same as montan bars  i  looked it up on net and voila same manufacturer and now im here reading abiout old yum sweets, what a way  to end your saturday/ sundy  morn ha

Old Products / does anyone remember mint cracknells?or ice breake
« on: July 15, 2007, 04:04:18 am »
choccie covered  greeen minty  cripsy  cracknell yum or icve breakers choccie with  green cripsy  mint bits in in light blue foil  and wrapper 

Old Products / gaxley counter!!!
« on: July 15, 2007, 04:00:33 am »
aw i loed those galaxy  counters bring them back!

Old Products / TEXAN AGAIN
« on: July 15, 2007, 03:58:00 am »
ihad one last year  they  are stilll available and as yum as ever lobby  the sweetshops 

Old Products / Texan bars+old favourites(start complaing
« on: July 15, 2007, 03:55:38 am »
a mans gotta chew what a mans gotta chew and i  had a texan bar lastyear  yes they  are still about somehwere!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lobby  your sweet shops now!!!

Old Products / Plain chocolate Toffee Crisps
« on: July 15, 2007, 03:54:08 am »
yumm they  were, does anyone recall  toffee buttons??? like chocolate buttons with soft caramel in the middle in 60's ,,, and what about treats???

Old Products / Old School Milky Way
« on: July 15, 2007, 03:52:08 am »
years ago  the fillling was white much like it is now then they chenged milky  ways to  browny  mousse and now more recently back to white again , and the old ones are kind of like flytes but  flytes not quite so  nice

Old Products / Who made Glees?
« on: July 15, 2007, 03:45:49 am »
i loved glees and i  do  not know a single person who ever recalls these sweets yes they were similar to skittles  but softer and in a purpley  licla type shiney  packet  and oh  how i wish  they  would bring them back  along with aztec  and texans, cmon you  food and choocie sweetie manufacturers go retro  with a passion!!!

Old Products / Aztec Bar
« on: July 15, 2007, 03:43:51 am »
i loved aztec bars no body i know remembers them i recall getting a cardboard headress aztec like  with  mine once and was made up haha,  iloved them but when they reappeared you are right they tasted nmothing like they  did years ago  bring them back i say !!!!

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