No. 22

My personal favourite
Yes, it's one of the most healthy things you can eat. It provides a good protection against bowel cancel and contains powerful antioxidants combatting other nasties generally. Most people overcook it. Place a few florets in boiling water for three minutes and serve with a knob of margarine.
I don't want my bowel cancelled thanks!
Mind you, you did say it protects against that.
Good point
No. 71


Ah, that's No. 4 Asparagus. Nice one Goldencup.
Mmm lovely asparagus
Not something you'll hear Robbie say, I'll wager. Do they have it in Liverpool?
No. 8 Parsnip
The sexiest of the vegetables

I love parsnips but broccoli tastes of trees.
What number are carrots?
No. 37 Carrot
A tasty vegetable if cooked correctly, but liable to come in some amusing shapes.

I make cream of celeriac soup. My favourite veggies are fennel and corn on the cob (although i know it is not really a vegetable).
I adore onions and cook them often. They are very good for your health too. Cauliflower is wonderful with a good cheese sauce.
What number are runner beans?
Hunter, what is your favourite Cabbage, I like Savoy the best, although I like shredded white cabbage in a salad.
What number are runner beans?
Runner beans are my favourite chock chick!
Chock Chick, Runner Beans are No. 101.
Yes Robbie, I like all the cabbages, especially red cabbage.
what number are sprouts?
No.1 Brussels Sprouts Almost universally overcooked or undercooked. Boiling for 6 minutes is about right with a little salt.

I have never tried brussels. I usualy have carrots and runner beans with my meals. Onions and mushrooms are also one of my favourites.
Onions and mushrooms are also one of my favourites.
Which one?!
Sorry...should have explained. I mix them together, fry them and serve.
I only like those baby sprouts. big ones are vile.
Unfortunately mushrooms aren't vegetables and have no place in this thread.
They are number 1 on the edible fungus list.
....unless you bite your own toenails.
Marrow in cheese sauce. Good dark greens smothered in onion gravy. Pepper/onion and mushroom stirfry with rice. Roast potatoes. Fresh new season runner beans.
Who needs meat?
My girlfriend. Snigger
I don't eat much meat because I don't like the taste or the smell. I only eat chicken or beef but could easily live without it.
....unless you bite your own toenails.
I can manage that.
I'm with lou, I could live without meat and eat vey little of it.
Today I am having carrots, cauliflower with cheese sauce, roast parsnips,peas and beef.
#Are you lonesome tonight?
Have you been for a sh*te?#
My favourite...

The Butternut Sqaush. I'm going to hazard a guess that it's Number 26. Particularly nice roasted with olive oil, balsamic vinegar and either rosemary or tarragon.
smurfboy which bit of that would i eat and which bit do I throw away?How long would you normaly roast it for? What does it taste similar to if anything? Thanks.
It's actually No.141, quite an obscure one. Lou it doesn't really taste like anything else except perhaps No. 142 Peanut Squash and cooked properly is delicious.
smurfboy which bit of that would i eat and which bit do I
throw away?How long would you normaly roast it for? What does it taste
similar to if anything? Thanks.
I was about to ask those questions lou. A lady I work with eats butternut squash a lot.
Cut out the soft seeded section and cook the firmer orange flesh. You can keep the skin on, but it takes longer to roast. I tend to peel it and roast it in big chunks for 20 - 25 mins.
The only thing I can really compare it to is swede; they are similar in texture, but squash doesn't have the somewhat bitter taste swede can have. It's sweeter. Imagine parsnip, swede and sweet potato combined in one vegetable!
Sounds lovely. Thanks for the help smurfy. I will buy one this weekend.