Chocolate Forum

Chat => General => Topic started by: wjp666 on January 26, 2019, 01:51:58 am

Title: Just checking in...
Post by: wjp666 on January 26, 2019, 01:51:58 am
Sigh, I remember all the fun we used to have here. Tsk, bloody social media. Anyone else still check in every year or so to see if anyone’s about? Hope everyone is doing well out there in cyberspace. Until next time..,  8)
Title: Re: Just checking in...
Post by: Forth Bridges on October 03, 2021, 09:47:25 pm
This place WAS great back in the day!
Title: Re: Just checking in...
Post by: DrWho on December 13, 2021, 06:45:51 pm
I just checked that this site was still up and running.  We used to have some choccy fun on here.
Title: Re: Just checking in...
Post by: Joe Watson on April 07, 2022, 10:32:28 pm
Made a new account. Back in time it was huge.
Title: Re: Just checking in...
Post by: MugGy bONehEad on October 13, 2022, 08:15:05 pm
I loved this place 20yrs ago, great chats, big laughs, top folk. Occasionally I check in but it's sad to see. I don't use any social media & really miss forums, they were useful & informative.

Oh god, is this the new middle age gripe!? "The internet was way better in my day, everyone spoke on forums & used netscape discs as coasters"  ;D
Title: Re: Just checking in...
Post by: chocadmin on October 20, 2022, 03:39:34 pm
I miss forums too - but then too busy to check on here regularly - sorry. I wonder about trying to takeover the chocolate sub-reddit as that's a fairly quiet place.
At some point I need to fix the product view and vote stuff (probably just my dodgy php needing fixing).
Title: Re: Just checking in...
Post by: DrWho on November 05, 2022, 11:51:09 am
Yes there used to be some great threads and laughs on here back in the day.